Homeopathy is a unique healing modality because it works with the body’s innate healing energy – known as chi, prana or the Vital Force. Homeopathy is information technology: it uses remedies made primarily from natural substances to impart information to your body’s healing energy.
A special dilution process creates “structured” or “coherent” water to store information from the starting substance. It has been diluted so many times that there are no measurable molecules of the starting substance left, making it extremely safe.
Homeopathy has many advantages:
There are no toxic effects
It stimulates and strengthens the body’s healing energy
It is especially well-suited for people who are extremely sensitive (to medications, environmental toxins, etc.)
Homeopathy primarily addresses emotional states, which when brought into balance, may support the body to heal itself
The remedies are inexpensive and usually only need to be taken short-term.
How Do We Know Homeopathy Works?
Homeopathy is part of the conventional health care system in many countries around the world – Russia, India, and throughout Europe and South America. Medical doctors in these countries commonly use homeopathic medicines or refer patients to their colleagues trained at homeopathic medical schools. Two hundred years of clinical experience have demonstrated the effectiveness of homeopathic remedies.
In addition, their activity has been demonstrated by scientific studies. We still see statements in the popular press, even in medical journals, that homeopathy is unscientific and unproven. This is not true.
There has been extensive testing of homeopathy; unfortunately, nearly all of the studies have been conducted abroad, due to lack of funding for research in alternative medicine here in the US. Unfortunately, most doctors in the US remain unaware of homeopathy’s scientific status because it is not included in the curriculum of American medical schools.
What Is Homeopathy Most Effective For?
Homeopathy is good for a wide variety of conditions in people of all ages, from newborns to the elderly, and even for pets. (The fact that often it works in infants and pets tends to dispel the notion of the placebo effect!)
Homeopathy can help with a wide variety of issues.
Many times the homeopathic process helps people discover connections between their emotions, their life-traumas, and their symptoms. The homeopathic interview can be healing in itself even before the homeopathic medicine begins to work.