Top tips for healthy animal care, from a pioneering holistic vet and a holistic animal shelter director.
Learn what you can do at home to keep your pets healthy, happy and free from toxic chemicals. A simple, user-friendly guide to - a healthy diet to prevent chronic diseases - natural remedies for Lyme, skin and ear problems, bites from other animals, accidents, recovery from surgery - safe flea and tick control to prevent insects without toxic pesticides, and to protect your pet from Lyme - natural ways to calm your pet and reduce behavior problems like aggression and barking too much - remedies for joint problems and preventing joint surgery - life saving remedies for animals hit by a car - plus recommendations for great books and websites for more information.
Full of entertaining stories that make the remedies memorable, like the oldest dog and the oldest cat that Dr. Roman ever met – and the secrets to their longevity. Or the puppy whose life was saved from an allergic reaction to a bee sting – with a remedy found in every natural food store for less than $10. Or the raging ear infection cured overnight with another simple inexpensive health food store remedy. Then there’s the one about the whole rescue shelter infected with kennel cough . . .
You can save hundreds, maybe even thousands of dollars in vet bills over the life of your pet with this book - while enjoying its lighthearted approach.
Reviews for
A Healer In Every Home:
Dog & Cat Edition
From online reviews:
“I love this book, my go to whenever I see something crop up and before I call my holistic vet. Often times I'm right on target with what she needs.”
”I love this book! And use it as a great resource in helping me be a better pet owner. Easy to follow with advice that is explained in terms easy to understand. I helped my aging collie with arthritis, my young Aussie with itching and both of them with anxiety. I love this book so much I just donated it to the local animal shelter!”
“This is a lovely little book ... brilliant for anyone interested in learning more about easy, natural healing methods for their pets. Proper nutrition and the prevention of chronic disease and more are all dealt with in Lennihan's delightfully informal, user-friendly writing style. The information contained in this book has already saved me hundreds of dollars in unnecessary visits to the vet for all kinds of everyday complaints in my two cats and my dog.”
“My daughter called me while house-sitting and caring for a pair of lovebirds. The female passed away and the male was grief-stricken. He wouldn't eat, was very withdrawn, and was clearly depressed. He was going downhill fast. She was afraid he was going to die. From having read this book, I suggested giving him Bach Rescue Remedy, which is used for both pets and humans to treat emotional trauma. She put a few drops in his water and when he drank it, he began to improve immediately. Within a day or two, he was almost back to his perky self! He continued to improve and now, 2 or 3 months later, he is not only perky, he is the social butterfly of the household, even befriending visitors. He is better than ever!”